EXPION 360 Headline Ideas

Key Concept

Expion360 offers users a powerful, safe product and an elevated outdoor experience.

Key Words

Power is a solid and nearly essential word. It represents comfort, strength, and security. Plus, it means energy itself.

Energy is a good word too, but it is more neutral than power.

Also: The idea of Universal or All-Around is important for Expion360 because it ties into the company name (360).


Anywhere Everywhere

This headline is intentionally open and broad (conceptually and grammatically) and ties the message into the company name—360 = all around.

All-Around Power

This headline creates a nice tie-in to the company name, and the double meaning is still positive (power in every direction; just powerful, generally).

Power Your Adventure

I still love this headline, even though it is a common theme in the industry. This headline is right on target and speaks to the audience with unusual clarity.

Pursue Happiness

This headline, more than any other, supports the “Power the Pursuit” tagline perfectly. Moreover, the headline adds meaning to the sometimes unclear tagline by revealing to the audience that Expion360 Batteries power the pursuit of happiness. Now, Expion360 batteries are a constitutional right. Also: This headline could easily be a multi-message hook—Pursue [Target Audience Noun: ]. 

Make Your Power Play

It’s a mixed metaphor, turn of a phrase “make your move” plus “power play” (and in sports, making a good move IS a “power play”). Also can punnily mean that your power is being made to play. The headline is clever and layered but still works at every level without overthinking.

Adventure Power

[Escape Power, Comfort Power, Leisure Power, Panorama Power]

This headline offers another excellent opportunity for a message continuity hook—swap in the first word suited to the audience.

Power Everywhere

The Power Everywhere headline has a lot of merit because our audience wants to get away from it all while maintaining many home comforts. They want an elevated outdoor experience. Power is an absolute requirement for a successful and fun trip. The Power Everywhere headline works well for overland, RV, bass, yacht, and other markets.
