Children’s Advocacy Centere

Logo Source

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Logo — Round 7

Logo — Round Six

Logo — Round Five

Logo — Round Four — B&W

Logo — Round Three — B&W

Logo — Round Two

Logo — Round One

Logo — Additional Explorations

Creative Brief


 Deborah, Guillermo and David

January 15, 2020


What would you like us to do for you? What is the purpose and scope of the project (heighten credibility, expand services, sell 2000 widgets, etc.)?

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Walla Walla Valley is a startup program, and we’re developing an identity so that we may convey our message to our partners and our broader audience. We are a collation of many partners from law enforcement, legal, social work, health care, and more. It’s time to define our name and logo and use the graphic resources to help us connect the team and create community recognition of the services we offer.

We don’t often do outreach. We are mostly federally funded, so we don’t do much development. Our clients are referred to us from law enforcement and CPS. We do plan to make presentations in schools, to service organizations, and similar.

Our logo should have a clear message. See the Most Important Point below for messaging guidance. Our clients are children who have experienced abuse. We also serve children’s protective adults.

Projects include

  • Design Logo

  • In house: Apply logo to gear, clothing, website, brochures.

Creative Considerations

What limitations or constraints do you have (budget, schedule, size, paper, etc.)? What elements or colors or other personal preferences must be represented in this project? Where will additional materials that we do not create come from? (writing/photography/illustration etc.)

We started this project on our own, and we planned from the start to have a have a pro finsh the job. We pitched ideas, and through the process, we landed on the sunflower motif. Many team members like images that reflect the valley with rolling hills and many colors.

We like the sunflower because it turns toward the sun. The flower naturally reaches toward power and healing and life force. The sunflower indicates that are going to get better. Sunflowers are resilient; hey grow fast in crummy conditions. There’s power in a flower. Sunflowers also feed and nourish us with seeds and oil. The image is very bi-cultural. The team has also considered using some Spanish text in the logo or a reference to Central American art and design.

Of course, we are open to additional approaches. Creativity is welcome. We would like to direct the logo to look childlike, cheerful, approachable, and healthy.

No specific colors are required. We have very few photo resources and no photographer. We will do most of our writing in-house. We may have some graphic resources through Children’s Home Society. Deborah has sent samples of logos she admires.

Product Description

What are the services your organization provides? What is the service that you want to promote? What are its features? How much does it cost? What is it made of and how is it used? What makes it different, unusual, or unique?

We offer a forum where the child can come forward and talk about what occurred. Services include mental health services, medical services, advocacy services (for parents and children). We can sometimes help them pay a bill, get meals, and take care of similar immediate needs.

When a criminal investigation happens, our role is to prioritize the well being of the child. We coordinate with prosecutors, detectives, and medical professionals to make sure the process does not further traumatize the child. We bolster healing and protection (from the well-intentioned criminal justice process). We offer protection from the bureaucratic nature of the system.

Our community benefits because we facilitate a coalition of community professionals who have a role in responding after allegations of child abuse.

We bring all the services together under one roof. Under that roof, the investigation starts with an interview. ONE interview. A single interview is important because multiple interviews are traumatizing, and retelling the story leads to changes that can undermine the efforts of the prosecution. We protect the evidence. We protect the child. All interviews are conducted one-on-one to reduce trauma, but technology is used to share the information with other support people. We do everything we can to make the experience softer and less traumatic for the victim and their protective family members. After the interview, we continue to offer support through advocacy, mental health support, and a medical referral for forensic exams and treatment. Then, an advocate or social worker will continue to connect the family to resources for months or years.


What makes your organization special among similar organizations? What’s your value proposition? Who is your present competition? Who would you like to be competing with? What similar services are currently available, and how good are they?

We’re not in a competitive space. Instead, we are collaborative and use a systems approach to meet the needs of children. We are bundling the available community resources and adding the role of beating the drum for the needs of the child. We are the watchdog for the child. We make it easier for the partners to collaborate. Our fundamental goal is to make this difficult process as child-friendly as possible. We offer healing and protection for the child.

Target Audience & Market Realities

Who is your current primary audience (gender, age, socioeconomics, employment, geographics)? How much do they know about the service? What are their attitudes toward products or organizations like yours? What motivates them? Who do you want your audience to be?

We serve children from the ages of 3 to 18. Our primary service area is the Walla Walla valley. Technically our service area includes all of Walla Walla County. Eventually, we will invite Columbia County to join us as well. There is another center in Kennewick where some families on the west side of the county may use for services because it may be a more convenient location.

Our clients are more often girls. We guess that maybe 80% of boys don’t come forward. We’re not asking about ethnic background, but we have a lot of Spanish names on our client list. Most of our clients are victims of sexual abuse. In the Walla Walla Valley, 40% of school children are Latinx, so we anticipate that our audience will be a similar proportion. Socioeconomic factors are not a predictor of sexual abuse, but socioeconomic factors can be a factor in physical violence.

User Benefits

How will the user be better off using your product or service? Will he or she save time, effort, or money? If so, how much? How important is this product to the consumer? Are there tradeoffs (higher quality, but higher price)?

For children: If we do our job right, they will continue to live the life of a child and move on with hope. It is our goal to assist them as they develop and live a healthy life.

For protective caregivers: We empower them. They are shattered and confused. We offer support and resources to assist them as they recover.

For all: We offer privacy, safety, hope, community, healing, and so much more.

Most Important Point (MIP)

What are the top three (or more) ranked benefits of your service? If you could choose only one thing the audience remembers from your advertising, what would it be?

  1. We work to reduce trauma for survifors (and their families)

  2. We promote healing for kids

  3. We offer protection for kids

  4. We bolster hope for kids

  5. We help families and kids save time and avoid bureaucracy

  6. We offer a “one-stop shop” for all needed services for kids

  7. We offer a supportive community for kids

  8. We work to eliminate the stigma for kids

MIP: We assist survivors and their families as they build Resilience.

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.